Search box has a 75 character limit.
RESULTS WILL OPEN IN A NEW WINDOW/TAB on a Google search results page, so don't panic! The results will be from MY site matches, so just click on the links that match best for what you're looking for. You might want to right-click on the results and choose to open them in a new window/tab too, so you don't have to keep going back to reload that page for the next result.
Use terms in quotation marks to get exact results for that phrase (if it exists that way), like for a name or title, if more than 1 word. To get a wider range of results, use just 1 name, or general words from a title.
DON'T search on 'all (whatever thing)' to find all listings of something. The search engine will look for the WORD 'all', and you'll get too many non-relevant results.
And the results will NOT show ALL the mentions of a word/phrase on every page, just what it thinks is the first relevant one.
To find all instances of your search words on a page, use the 'Find' function of your browser, it's usually under 'Edit' or a Menu icon along the top of your browser. Use your browser's Help file to find and use that function.
March News:
Nothing yet. Possible sale coming if I get to it.