Collectibles Shop's

Star Trek Merchandise for sale

Star Trek #75 comic image Star Trek 30 Years promo card image Star Trek Generations Kirk figure image 2000 Star Trek Voyager calendar image Star Trek TV Guide Xena & Seven of Nine image

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This page has all my remaining Star Trek collectibles for sale at well below guide prices. 5-inch action figures M.O.C., comics, magazines, and other memorabilia. Items are in as new, unused condition unless noted. (I've read the comics though, egad!) Your ongoing mission: To explore strange new websites. To seek out new items for your collection. To boldly buy something that no one has bought before! (At least from me.) "Make it SOLD" ok? Make ME prosper so I can live long. See my What's New page for site-wide sales announcements and price reductions.

See my Feedbacks page for testimonials, like: "The collectible was described accurately, securely packed and promptly shipped. The communication was excellent from start to finish. I would buy from him again. Thanks!" - LLH, Entry #202

Note for art lovers: Check out my Star Trek Paintings page for original art by Sonia R. Hillios.

PLEASE read the main points on the "How to Order" page if interested in buying anything, before you e-mail or call me, thanks. I can take credit card orders via Square's Invoice program. I'm NOT buying, thanks. Site navigation links are at the bottom of all pages. "View" links are set to open in a new window/tab, so just close them to return here.

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Action Figures by Playmates:

Unopened, mint on nice cards unless noted.
View all my 5" figures, or click "View" next to each to see a larger pic.

Tapestry 2 Picard, with phaser, M.I.B. (3). Toyfare exclusive mail-in, in white mailer boxes. #'s 13,864, 16,477, 20,999...$10 ea. (View)

From the "Generations" movie:

Comic Books:

1980s/'90s DC comics, NM:

See more about my signed Next Generation #75 in 9.8, the only graded copy, on my CGC Graded comics page, for $70. Great gift! (View)

Debt of Honor hardcover graphic novel. 1992, by Chris Claremont and Adam Hughes, painted cover by Dave Dorman. 96 pgs, excellent story and art, with the original crew of the Enterprise (Kirk, Spock, McCoy etc.). 1st print, NM, not shrink-wrapped anymore, but bagged. $24.95 cover price, but for you, 40% off cover at...$15 (View)

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Cinefantastique Vol. 27, #11/12, July 1996. Double size issue celebrates Trek's 30th Anniversary, with a painted cover of Kirk, Spock and Scotty. LOTS of info and pics, with interviews with the main cast, directors, crew, and more, and an episode guide for all 79 shows. Also covers movies Escape from L.A., Independence Day, The Crow II, The Phantom, Multiplicity, and Day of the Beast. And TV shows Lexx and Tarzan the Epic Adventures. Newsstand near mint, no mailing label, $11.95 cover...$8 (View)

Cinescape #0, August 1994. A preview issue that was a Hero Illustrated magazine insert. Full size 8.5"x11", 34 pages, covers mostly new movies. Jim Carrey as The Mask cover and movie preview article, plus Generations movie & Voyager coverage, James Bond, Aliens vs. Predator "story behind the movie", Flintstones live action movie special effects and more. Lots of pics too. Have 2, VF+ or better...$1 ea. (View)

Entertainment Weekly Star Trek Special, Fall 1994. "The Ultimate Trip Through the Galaxies." 104 page special edition. Sneak peek of Generations movie; ranks 303 TV episodes; portfolio/interviews of the stars and even a Tribble!; lots of pics; 'How to Do Kirk' (the impression, that is) by Kevin Pollak; games and books, and lots more. NM, no mailing label. At cover price...$3.95 (View)

TV Guide, April 10-16, 1999, "Cosmic Encounter!" Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) and Xena (Lucy Lawless) cover. Interviews with both, more photos, plus coverage of the defunct series "Coast to Coast," article on magician David Blaine, and one about the Aspen Comedy Festival. NM newsstand copies, so no mailing labels. I have 3...$2 ea. (View)


1996 "30 Years of Star Trek, Reflections of the Future" Phase 3 promo card from MBNA bank and Skybox. Only sent to people who got the MBNA Star Trek credit card, which is how I got it. Supposedly limited to 30,000, some say less than that were actually produced, and that many people threw them away. Hard to know, but apparently this is fairly rare now. I also have the letter it came with, and it has a small tear in the 'were' at 'were produced'. The card has some small white flecks on the front, this is how it came to me, and other pics I found online had similar flecks, and/or smudges etc, so likely pretty common. You can see some below and going to the left of the saucer section, others are in the blocks of icons at the bottom, and scattered around elsewhere. A couple auction sellers seem to think this is worth $70 now, but that's no doubt way high. I found 1 confirmed sale for $22.50 in Aug. 2013, for 1 with flecks like mine, another supposed sale for $70 in 2015, hard to believe. Buy mine for...$20 (View card & letter) (View both sides of card)

Voyager 2000 calendar. Nice cast pics, great for autographs! Also has a cool double page centerfold "poster" of the Captain Proton holodeck serial show. Will include 1 of the 8x11 ad sheets listed below too. 50% off cover price...$6 (View)

Voyager 8"x11" promo cards for 1999 syndication announcement, titled "Five Flights A Week/Are You a Voyager?" Sent to TV stations only! Nice card stock, full crew and ship pictured, with show info on back. Nice black area on bottom for autographs, and you can't buy 8x10 photos at shows this cheap. 10 left. Only...$2 each (View front & back)

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